Friday 11 December 2015

Karna the neglected hero of Mahabharata

       Unbeatable fighter of the age prior to Mahabharata war,.Karna a disciple of  Maharisi Parsuram..Kana conquired the world and submitit it  before Duryadha.Karna  was
humilated in every inches of his path  to proceed forward from his boyhood .At the archary contest Guru Dranacharjya debared him from participating in the contest on the ground that he is not a prince at all.He was known as sutaputra Radhaya ..He was brought up by a chariot driver .His birth put in to the dark by Bedobays the great authoer of Mahabharata.He was the first son of vergin Kunti and Surya.This unwanted child was left in the river.Adhirath the chariot driver took the child in his home  and brought up with proper education.Dronacharya was never impertial to  all  his disipals/trainees .He denied to teach AKALABYA  on the ground that nune has the right to earn Bramh Vidy exceptinha  Kshatriyas.Even dharamputra Yudhistir lied in the battle field.Arjun took undue advantages when Karnas chariot wheel submerged in the earth,Arjun killed him.A cowerdish activity.
The greatness of Karna floowrished in his Camp of Kurukhetra prior to the last , night of the battle  when Kunti meet him alone,disclosed his birth secret and asked to join pandab wing as 1st Pandav. .but Karna simply denied .After Kunti departed cunning SriKrishnain the disguise of a poor Brahmin appeard before Karnaand begged his Kavoj Kundala,Korna offered these to him inspite of knowing fully well that these are last security of his life.
       This is Karna the great.No other character in the entire Mahabharata could be compaired to him.


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