Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Draupadi the angry woman of Mahabharata

Draupadi of Mahabharata a colourful woman character acted as per demand of the situation.Her skin colour denotes her strong personality.She was the most intelligent woman character in the Mahabharata.She could inspire Pandavas and inject her anger into others.At the end of twelve years exile.They lived one year in the  shelter of king Virat in disguise.The General of king Virat Kitchok, molested Droupadi there. Droupadi injected her anger into second Pandava Bhim.The catastrophy was ,Bhim killed Kitchok. She was fire born .Draupadi was in the centre place for Mahabharata war.
Draupadi was beautiful to look. Her body smell spread miles away.She was charismatic and   mystroius in charicter.She married Pandavas and gave birth their sons but did not love any of them,did not trust them.Her spark of anger reflected in Sayanbar Sabha when she denied to give bridal garland to Karna.Her anger explored in extrem at Sabha Parba.She was called for to be present at the court,but she denied strictly,even she challeghed  Yudhistir about his authority to put her in the bet.Dussasan forcefully made her present at the court and tried to declothing her.She opened her hair and promised to bond it again weighting with the chest blood of Dussasan.This is  Droupadi the angry woman of Mahabhatata.

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