Monday 3 November 2014

Saptarshi Mondal (seven star cluster)

Saptarishi Mondal (seven star cluster) eminently appears in the north sky ,in the evening of Autumn season( Bengali Hemanta).Kalpurush is also found ,which will be discussed elsewhere latter on. The star cluster named in the names of seven rishis/sages from ancient times in India. The Sat path Bramana and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (2.2.4) acknowledge the names of seven rishis (or Saptarishis) as:

  •       Atria
  •       Bharadvaja
  •       Gautama
  •       Jamadagni
  •       Kashyapa
  •       Vasista
  •       Viswamitra

Names differs in different Veda, Samhita , Mahabharata and somewhere els.

The reason for differences is that there are seven Rishis who govern the functioning of the Cosmos in batches and all the Rishis have had the post of a ‘Saptarshi’at same point. These Rishis  had different names in different places. Saptarishis  are seven rishis and nobody else is given the title of the Saptarishis. Hence clearly they had different names but, many rishis were known as Maharishis (great sages).

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