Sunday 5 October 2014

Dwaraka, the ancient Indian city


Capital of historical Thailand Dwarabati is not the subject of this article. Subject is Dwaraka of Mahabharata which also called Dwarabati. Both name used in Sanskrit language .Its space time and characters existence was in reality .Till some evidence, somewhere ruins found. Somewhere reconstructions, somewhere archeological discovery found .With the existence of Dwaraka it is to be agreed that dwarakadhish existed.

       It is also to be agreed with the existence of dwaraka that the king politician, expert defense strategist, sociologist, kin chariot driver, fighter, lion hearted dwarakadhish, the great Jadav Krishna also existed in reality. Jadav Krishna is equally relevant till to-day. This chapter will be discussed later on. Now back to Dwaraka .Indian Federal structure putting Delhi in centre the position of states was recorded in Indian constitution in 1957 and subsequent times. This also found centering Dwaraka position of other states .That is, long ago prior to 1957 there was federal structure in ancient India. In the light of Dwaraka it is to see what other states were. Dwaraka was ruled by Jadaves .Anarta was a Capital/state in ancient India subsequently submerged in the sea. Due to aggression of Jarasandha the king of Magadha, Jadavas escaping from Surasen Mathura established their rule here.


       In Mahabharata age  the states/capitals  formed federal state under Dwaraka was as follows: 1.Cadi (Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh}2.Surasena(Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh which is also called as Brajadham) 3.Darsana(In the south of Cadiz)4.Karasa(East of  Darsana  )5.Kunti(East of  Abanti state)6.Abanti(  Ujjaini  district of Madhya Pradesh)7.Malab(West of Abanti)8.Gujrat(south of Rajasthan) 9. Hea/ Haihya (Normada vally Madhya Pradesh) 10.Sourastra (South Gujrat) 11.Dwaraka (sea coast of Gujrat}.  Rebaki wife of KrishnaBalaram was a daughter of Dwaraka.  Srimati Radha   was a daughter of Darsana 12.Vidarbha (North West Maharastra).Additional some other Island states were under Dwaraka Federal State.

       Civilization blossomed in the Ice age at the sea coastal areas. Prior to 8000 years B. C. Dwaraka City existed, due to a great Tsunami it was submerged in the sea. Dwaraka was one of the seven cities of the ancient India. This Dwaraka was the capital of king Krishna, here he lived. Dwaraka is mentioned in Mahabharata Haribansa Puran, Bhagvat Puran, Scondha Puran and Bisnu Puran.It is said that this Dwaraka City was located near the present Dwaraka City which submerged in the sea. This city was constructed by the great Engineer Viswakarma according to the order of Krishna. Land of the City was begged from Sea (in other wards land made available by filling the sea).Planning and construction made at Western sea coast of present Surat. It is a planned city located by the river side Gomoti. This city was known as Dwaramati, Dwarabati or Kusasthali. It had seven well organized sectors .Residential  and Commercial sectors had broad road ,plaza, many palaces  and  public places ,a public meeting hall was constructed naming  Sudham  Sabha .A  harbor also constructed .There was  seven lakh. Palaces made of gold, silver and other valuable stones. So many   beautiful flower gardens blossomed throughout the year.

       Sri Krishna started for Baikuntha leaving this earth after thirty six years of Mahabharata War. Three thousand one hundred thirty eight years B.C. and after the death of other Jadaves due to fight among themselves. To restore security for grandson of SriKrishna and Jadav women to take them to Hastinapur Arjun arrived at Dwaraka. After Arjun left Dwaraka it went under the sea. In Mahabharata Arjun Said “The sea rushed towards the city, tides in high speed entered through the roads, sea flooded the entire city. I saw beautiful houses one by one submerging .In reality within a few minutes all is over. The sea became calm and quiet like pond and there is no sign of the city, Dwaraka a name only.”

       The incident of submerging Dwaraka under the sea is also mentioned in the Vishnu Puran. The day Sri Krishna left earth was the starting of Kali Yug. Sea rose vigorously and Dwaraka city submerged under the sea.



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